
Soundsource productions
Soundsource productions

Mobile source means a motor vehicle, nonroad engine, or nonroad vehicle. Sound source types are separated into impulsive (e.g., seismic, pipe driving, sub-bottom profiler) and non-impulsive (drilling, water jet) and require estimation of the distance to the peak received sound pressure level (peak) and 24-hr cumulative sound exposure level (SELCUM).ĭA/BA requires two years of health certificates from a certified laboratory and a physical sample.P Native kelp (Saccharina latissima): The source tissue must be obtained from Long Island Sound or a Connecticut hatchery that is producing native kelp spores originating from Long Island Sound source tissue.P Non-native species: These may only be used in closed, recirculating systems.įund Source means any direct or indirect sum payable to the Contractor by the County pursuant to any lawful obligation.

#Soundsource productions verification#

Sound source verification shall consist of distances where broadside and endfire directions at which broadband received levels reach 190, 180, 170, 160, and 120 dB re 1mPa (rms) for the airgun array(s). Sound source validation has been required of Arctic operators for several years, as part of their IHA compliance requirements, and has proven useful for establishing more accurate, in situ measurements of safety zones and for acquiring information on noise propagation.75 It should be clarified that safety zone distances would initially be established in site-specific EAs and applications for MMPA authorization, to ensure opportunity for agency review and analysis. Sound source applied in measurement in anechoic chamber Figure 16. Sound source localization (SSL) and speaker detection are crucial components in multi-party human-robot interaction (HRI), where the robot needs to precisely detect where and who the speaker is and responds appropriately (Fig. These requirements are consistent with both the MMPA’s “least practicable impact” requirement for authorizing marine mammal take and OCSLA’s “undue harm” requirement for permitting of offshore exploration.(3) Sound source validation.- Relatedly, BOEM should require operators to validate the assumptions about propagation distances used to establish safety zones and calculate take ( i.e., at minimum, the 160 dB and 180 dB isopleths). Sound source localization and speech understanding in complex listening environments by single-sided deaf listeners after cochlear implantation.

soundsource productions

For qualifying the acoustic space, the following evaluation shall be conducted: Sound source location shall be placed in position of the audible warning device, audible warning system, multiple audible warning system to be tested Sound source shall provide a broadband input for measurement Evaluation shall be conducted in one-third-octave bands Microphone locations for evaluation shall be on a line from the source location to position of the microphone used for measurement.įor qualifying the acoustic space, the following evaluation shall be conducted: Sound source location shall be placed in position of the audible warning device, audible warning system, multiple audible warning system to be tested Sound source shall provide a broadband input for measurement Evaluation shall be conducted in one-third octave bands Microphone locations for evaluation shall be on a line from the source location to position of the microphone used for measurement.

Soundsource productions