
Costco corona beer cans
Costco corona beer cans

costco corona beer cans

But if you’re ok with this warning then I’m happy if you’re happy! If you’re on the fence about participating based on the possibility of being tempted to drink the “real thing”, I’d suggest to sit this one out and attend a future event. Also, consuming something that looks, feels, tastes, and smells like beer can also be very triggering for those with an alcohol problem. Over the course of the event each participant will have the equivalent of 7 cans of non-alcoholic beer which, if not physically, the effects mentally/psychologically might make you feel buzzed and that could be a huge trigger. Yes, these are non-alcoholic beers but many of them have 0.5% alcohol content. I strongly urge you to give your participation a lot of thought if you believe you have a problem with alcohol.It will be on a volunteer basis if you’re ok with speaking into the camera to talk about your opinions of certain products. There’s no pressure to talk to the camera or do anything other than pretending the cameras aren’t there. You must be ok with being on camera and having the footage be on YouTube, Instagram, and the Sober City website.Ingredients: water, malted barley, corn syrup, yeast, hops, caramel colour, hop extract, sulphites The ScoringĪ call for tasters was posted in the “Sober City Chat” private Facebook group and on Sober City’s Twitter page with the following requirements to participate: President’s Choice Blonde Brew De-Alcoholized Lager

#Costco corona beer cans full#

Here are the 20 beers we tested in order of price/unit, based on the full prices I paid.

costco corona beer cans

Prices will vary, of course, depending on where you make the purchase. canned has an effect on the taste/freshness/perception.Ĭlick on a heading to jump to that section Most tasters commented that they were surprised by their choices when they were blinded to what they were consuming and opinions change when they’re up against other beers. But remember, none of us are experts, and we mostly did this for fun. This blind taste test was a pretty good/consistent picture of what 6 regular people think of 20 NA beers. The goal was to have the majority of the beers stay within the same taste range for each round.

costco corona beer cans

No stouts, no reds, no IPAs, and no radlers. For this NA beer blind taste-testing event I chose 20 varieties that fall within the domestics, pilsners, wheats, and blondes range. Surprisingly, there are over 20 non-alcoholic beer options between Costco, Sobeys, Shoppers, Walmart, Pete’s Frootique, and Superstore locally.

Costco corona beer cans